

Page history last edited by Adam Sanford 16 years, 1 month ago

Carbon Dioxide Conversions

How to Calculate Carbon in Carbon Dioxide

Step 1:

To figure out how much Carbon (C) is in your total Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions we'll need to separate the Oxygen (O)! To do that, we need to find the Atomic Weight (use the periodic table of elements at the bottom of the page) of both Carbon and Oxygen.


Step 2:

If we divide the Carbon weight by the total weight of the CO2 molecule we'll get a percentage that tells us how much Carbon is in one molecule of CO2. Remember, CO2 has two parts Oxygen to one part Carbon! We then use this percentage by multiplying it with our total CO2 emissions.

(You may leave this as a decimal or work in percentages, but keep it constant.)


Step 3:

Now that you have divided out the Oxygen, you are left with the percentage of Carbon that was in a CO2 molecule.

Use this to find your total Total Carbon (C) emissions in Kilograms.

The Online Carbon Calculator gave you an estimate of your total CO2 emissions over Thanksgiving Break or nine days. If we wanted to find a yearly average from this, we would multiply by 40. (9x40=360, or about 365 days)

How many average Kilograms of Carbon do you use in one year? Write your answer down; it will be used to Submit Your Data.


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